Christina Aguilera, Mýa and Missy Elliott Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Their ‘Lady Marmalade’ Collab
Christina Aguilera, Mýa and Missy Elliott Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Their ‘Lady Marmalade’ Collab
Christiana Aguilera, Mya, Pink, and Lil Kim celebrated the 20th anniversary of their collaboration of “Lady Marmalade” over the weekend.
Saturday, March 27th marked the 20th anniversary and the ladies celebrated on social media by reliving the video and song from the 2001 musical Moulin Rouge!
“Happy Anniversary, Lady Marmalade [heart emojis], tweeted Aguilera. She followed it up by encouraging fans to share their pictures and videos of their “Lady Marmalade” moment.
“Happy 20th Anniversary to #LadyMarmalade #MoulinRouge edition w/ @lilkimthequeenbee @pink @myaplanet9 @xtina Produced by @missymisdemeanorelliott x @rockwildermusic x @ronfairmusic,” Mya posted. “Love & respect to the OGs @mspattilabelle @sarahasindash @nonahendryx.”
If Lady Marmalade was redone, who do you think should be on a new collaboration?